心を整え徒然🍵 〜スポーツや英語学習〜

日々の行いや意見など サッカー⚽️ランニング🏃‍♂️英語🗣など

Today's running

I ran on a trendmil in a gym.

My family talked about running for dinner.

I took an interview to be a school office staff at noon.

At that time I was interviewed about release from my stress.

I didn't come up with running as that releasing way and talked about it during dinner.


Anyway, I was influenced by it to run on the trendmil.

A psychiatrist on YouTube, Kaba chan, recommends us to exercise.

My weight 63.2kg

My fat percentage approximate 15%f:id:Takuya_tj:20191112214824j:plain